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The Culture of Purposes ‘Maqased of Sharia’

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The Culture of Purposes ‘Maqased of Sharia’

We need to bring up the new generation upholding the ‘Culture of Purposes’, to ensure the soundness of conception:

In order that the generation be adhering to the basics of conceptions: (tawhid, tazkiyah, imran ‘developing human life’) ; in a way that religion is one’s referential source, and in accordance with the above approach.

In order that the criterion and scale developed through a culture of maqased control one’s consciousness, well saturating his/her mind, helping them to maintain steadiness and balance in the face of the havoc of extremism and dissolution.

In order that the young person sees his/her way more clearly, maintaining a reasonable balance between what is drawn from the inherited heritage and what is drawn from experience: i.e. between God’s Signs revealed in His Book, and His signs observed in the world around us and in the human and spiritual world.

To acquire the basics of the science of ‘priorities and public good’, how to apply the theoretical to actual experience and life; this what is meant by understanding religion through its purposes, as large-scale principles rather than piecemeal rules.

So that the young person develops a critical mind, as one gleans from Verses of the Qur’an like, “qul hatu burhanakum” ( ), “inna ssam’a ..g..mas’uula” ( ) and to keep away from blind mimicry.

To have a reasonable understanding of the historical and social laws ‘sunan’, to view the social phenomena through such laws.

To act in accordance with the Ummah’s interests and public good, ‘what is better and more enduring’, which includes the interests of this world and the Last Day – so that he/she bears his/her social responsibility.


The idea here is that the young person bears in mind the human dimension, as we learn from the Verse of the Qur’an, ‘wa ma ..g.. lil’alamin’; to be a witness in the world, again in light of the Qur’an, when it says: ‘litakunu shuhadaa’a al nnas’.



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