We aim in this Axis to bring the student to realize that a Muslim is a world citizen, for he/she thinks and works for the good, the peace, and the prosperity of the whole world – and that comes about through his/her undertaking to perform important and vital roles that are designed for the good of the whole world; and he/she will be in this taking an active part with others around the world.
With that in mind, we endeavor to have the student be acquainted with the components of the Muslim’s world role, the means of acquiring those components, and the methods of implementing that in his environment and society; some of those components are:
- Belonging to the Muslim Ummah, which must be reflected in his/her behavior towards his/her Muslim brethren, and in his/her relationships with the other nations.
- Renouncing fanaticism and blind sectarian prejudice, in disregard of truth; he/she enjoins on himself/herself and others of his/her group to abide by truth and justice, in their dealing with others from other groups.
- Holding Islamic brotherhood to be his/her beacon that may guide him/her to the best dealing with the brother-Muslims, and to strive to be acquainted of the criteria of such ideal dealing;
- Working constantly to be acquainted with other nations and groups, Muslim or non-Muslim;
- Taking mercy for all that God created to be the basis of dealings and relationships with others, even non-Muslims; and his/her mercy will extend to encompass all that God created.
- Adopting justice and fair dealing with a Muslim or a non-Muslim; supporting those who enjoin justice and fairness among all people, of whatever creed or race.
- Endeavoring to acquire the traits and skill that enable him/her to be a witness of the world, as the Qur’an enjoins: ‘litakunu shuhadaa ala nnas’, as for example to be present, to acquire the necessary experience, and to be fair and just.
- Working to spread peace everywhere in the world, opting for peace, spreading it, supporting it, and protecting it; joining in this the efforts of spreading peace, both locally and internationally
- Taking care of the environment and the natural resources, rationalizing and guiding their consumption.
- Being active in the call to Islam; doing one’s best in establishing what is right and good, through wise advice and beautiful exhortation – and this entails possessing the traits and skills of a campaigner for Islam.
In sum, what an adolescent, male and female, practices in this Axis is to go beyond the limits of his own self and nation and group, to be a world citizen, living up to the challenges of the world, and responding to its woes and crises, and doing his/her share in shaping the future of the world.
We endeavor to have the student project such important notions to his/her immediate existence, so that they become part of his/her experience: reflecting on them, and taking them up for discussion; and to translate them into real behaviors, reflecting in his behavior and attitudes.
For more information on the details of the training portfolios (courses) on the Axis of the Muslim as a world citizen, adapted to the various age groups, please click on the following link:
Portfolio (Course) of the Muslim as a World Citizen, for age group 16-18 years
The training portfolios designed for age groups 7-9 years, 10-12 years, and 13-15 years are currently in the course of preparation.
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