We aim in this Axis to develop our children’s personality, their confidence, freedom, and creativity; and to enhance their independence, and efficiency;
And to help them discover themselves and their abilities, and to examine the ideas that they bear in their minds.
They will perceive their strong points, and where such strong points may be used, and the methods needed to develop them;...
We aim in this Axis to develop our children’s personality, their confidence, freedom, and creativity; and to enhance their independence, and efficiency;
And to help them discover themselves and their abilities, and to examine the ideas that they bear in their minds.
- They will perceive their strong points, and where such strong points may be used, and the methods needed to develop them; they will explore their gifts, and their importance and role in setting up their personality;
- They will be awakened to the importance of self-examination, and will practice some methods that enable them to respond to challenges, on the basis of self-examination;
- They will examine the meanings of freedom, independence, and responsibility: their limits, ways of practicing them, and the way to applying them in the school and in society; and they will explore the relationship between responsibility and independence;
- They will be introduced to the meaning of rational financial management, the methods of financial planning in the light of values: How to spend and invest in a productive way.
- We endeavor to develop their self-confidence, and to help them realize the hindrances to self-confidence, and how to overcome them;
- And to help them recognize their self-efficiency, how to realize that; to distinguish what is efficient and what is inefficient; their role in life, and their status, ranking their priorities, in a balanced and wise way;
- They will be trained to identify their skills of leadership, and to develop them; they will determine clearly their aims and objectives, in a way that may be measured; and they lay their future plan on the basis of strategic thinking;
- They will appreciate art and practice it, withing the framework of ‘tazkiyah’.
For more information about the details of the training portfolios (courses) concerning the building of identity and personality, adapted to the various age groups, click on the following link:
Portfolio (Course) of Building Identity and Personality, for age group 10 to 12 years
As for the portfolios of age groups 7-9 years, 13-15 years, and 16-18 years, they are in the course of preparation at present.
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