Enhancing (Tazkyah) Citizenship
Our children live at present pulled in all directions by contradictory currents – which makes it quite challenging to determine their identity, and their role in the society in which they happen to live.
With this in mind, we endeavor, through this Axis, to achieve:
- That the youngster be acquainted with the concepts of citizenship, belonging, and identity, through contact with a directed story, presenting diverse events, designed to shed light on particular concepts, that the students are stimulated to take up for discussion and analysis.
- That they acquire, through experiential learning, a sense of the diversity and debate in the social context; and that they have respect for the different view, and the importance of coexistence.
- The youths get acquainted with the concept of rights and duties, and the concept of shura-democracy, in a lively, interactive way, that is well connected to their lives, their experiences and observation.
- The boys and girls get acquainted with the outcome of the existence or absence of the above concepts in the real experience: the effect of that at the various levels.
- The youth realizes his/her role and influence, under shura-democracy: how that impacts on the general good.
- The youths learn that for shura-democracy to be effective, it must be a trait of the soul and a practice of the individual, before it is declared as a social system.
- The young boys and girls get acquainted with the concept of justice, and its application in our life; and the result of its absence from life; and that obedience is right as long as it is in harmony with what is good and right.
Our target is that the youngster comes to be, by the end of this course, more proud of his/her identity and affiliation, more conscious of his/her role as a good citizen that bears his/her responsibility, in light of the hadith, tradition, of the Prophet, peace be upon him: “Each one of you is a shepherd, and each is responsible for the herd entrusted to him.”
Those interested in learning more about the training portfolios (the courses) concerned with the Axis of Citizenship, adapted to the various age groups, may click on the following links:
Portfolio (Course) of enhancing citizenship for age group 10 to 12 years
Portfolio (Course) of enhancing citizenship for age group 13 to 15 years
The training portfolios designed for the age groups 7-9 years and 16-18 years are currently in preparation.
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